Hugh Lim


Hugh graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1987 with a Bachelor of Engineering (First Class) degree on a Singapore Armed Forces (Overseas) Scholarship. He holds a Master of Science (Management of Technology) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America, 1998.

Hugh joined the Singapore Armed Forces in 1984, and attained the rank of Brigadier- General on 1 Jul 2005. He has served in a variety of command and staff positions, including Chief Engineer Officer, Commander 6 Division, Commander Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) and Chief of Staff, General Staff.

Prior to joining CLC, Hugh was the CEO of the Building & Construction Authority (BCA). Previously, he held the appointments of Deputy Secretary (Community, Youth and Sports) at the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, and the Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Law.

He is married with three children, and has a keen interest in technology, sports and photography.