Singapore-Pacific Resilience and Knowledge Sharing (SPARKS) package on "Towards Climate Resilience & Urban Sustainability for the Pacific"


Launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Singapore at the 52nd Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Leaders Meeting in November 2023 at the Cook Islands, the Singapore-Pacific Resilience and Knowledge Sharing (SPARKS) package, which runs from 2024 to 2026, focuses on supporting the capacity building efforts of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) members in the priority areas of climate resilience, cybersecurity and international law to address challenges identified in the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. The Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) has developed a 3-year modular programme, titled “Towards Climate Resilience & Urban Sustainability for the Pacific”, for city leaders and senior officials from Member States of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) to enhance capacity building in urban governance, planning, and development to achieve climate resilience.

The programme offers a practitioner-based curriculum that connects policy with practical applications based on Singapore’s development experiences, centred on the following key focuses:

  • Climate change impacts on urban areas
  • Policy frameworks for climate resilience and sustainable development
  • Urban Governance and Integrated Master-planning for Sustainable and Resilient Development

The first module, which was completed in May 2024, focused on the broad frameworks of Singapore’s approach geared towards a sustainable and resilience future with the fulfilment of not just the Sustainable Development Goals, but also in mitigating the threat of climate change with the aim of achieving net-zero emissions. CLC’s expert speakers delved into the fundamentals, including integrated master-planning and building climate-resilient infrastructure to community engagement and green transportation. While Singapore’s urban landscape may vary from other Pacific Island States, participants were inspired to apply nature-based solutions as well as green building strategies for upcoming development projects in their respective states.

Upcoming Module

Module 2 of the SPARKS Programme is planned for mid-2025 and will touch on topics related to in-depth studies on nature-based solutions, environmental sustainability, and more. Like Module 1, it will include learning journeys to relevant sites to solidify the learnings of topics covered in Module 2.

We warmly welcome participants of the 16 Member States of the Pacific Island Forum to join us in the remaining modules of this programme. Please reach out to us if you are interested.

Participants’ testimonials

Each session met their objectives comprehensively and were delivered by knowledgeable and engaging resource persons. The tours, including the Singapore City Gallery and Singapore River Cruise, provided valuable insights into urban planning and development. The content was not only informative but also directly applicable to my current projects, particularly in sustainable planning and critical infrastructure resilience. I strongly recommend retaining all these sessions for future programs due to their practical relevance and the quality of delivery.
– Mr Taaniela Kula, Chief Executive Officer, National Spatial Planning Authority, Ministry of Lands, Survey, Planning and Natural Resources, Kingdom of Tonga

The presentations and information sharing amongst participants really fits my work back home and it can also help with our developments and capacity building back in Samoa.
– Ms Julie David Simi Selu, Senior Strategic Planning Officer, Planning and Urban Management Agency (PUMA), Ministry of Works Transport and Infrastructure (MWTI), Samoa

The programme was exceptionally well-organized and delivered, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge across various key areas of urban planning, sustainability, and climate resilience. The opportunity to learn from experts and network with peers was invaluable, and I am grateful for the enriching experience.
– Mr Avio Niki Roberts, Deputy Town Clerk, Luganville Municipal Council, Vanuatu