Better Cities Jan 2023


Better Cities | Jan 2023

Innovative Solutions from Cities

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Creating an Enabling Food Ecosystem: Insights from Milan

EXPO Milano 2015, themed “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, was an exposition that accelerated existing policies and encouraged the development of new food-related initiatives in the city of Milan, ranging from short food supply chains, climate-friendly diets, redistribution initiatives, and food waste management. These initiatives have enabled a more robust, resilient, and inclusive food ecosystem in Milan. In a fireside chat during their visit to Singapore, Vice Mayor of Milan, Anna Scavuzzo and officers from Milan’s urban food policy programme shared on how Milan has built its food ecosystem with support and innovation from its stakeholders.

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Developing Climate Resilient Cities in Asia: The How's, Why's and So What's

Urbanisation rates in Asian cities will significantly increase over the next 30 years, where the concentrations of people and key infrastructure will lead to increased climate risks, but paradoxically, also increases the potential to enable climate resilient outcomes to occur. This panel comprising of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) authors shares the principles of climate resilient development, explain why they are important in Asian cities, and discuss how can be achieved through policies and involvement of multiple municipal agencies and stakeholders.



Chongqing— Urban Regeneration at its Core

Chongqing is one of China’s four Municipal Cities and among the country’s top five cities with the highest GDP. It is also a city of rich heritage, having served as the capital of China during World War II. The development of Chongqing is of strategic importance given its location as a transport node, connecting the country’s vast under-developed west to the east via the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and connecting China’s heartlands to the world through the Belt and Road Initiative. With Chongqing’s urban development challenges, its city planners decided to look inward and worked innovatively to regenerate the city centre.

Source: WikiMedia Commons

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Urban Solutions #21 | The Incredible Edible Buffet of Kindness

In the British town of Todmorden, a ground-up community is building both food resilience and community bonds. We trace how a small local initiative grew into a thriving movement.

Source: Incredible Edible Todmorden
PDF: 2.38 MB

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Urban Solutions #21 | Harnessing Diversity to Emerge Stronger

Explore the transformative stories behind Antwerp, Boston and Lisbon – the 2020 Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize Special Mentions through this photo story.

Source: Jordi / Shutterstock
PDF: 995 KB

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