The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolutions has enabled ASEAN, home to some of the fastest growing cities in the world, to exploit smart solutions to manage some of the challenges that have emerged owing to rapid urbanization.
The Little Red Dot with an Extensive, Strategic Vision puts on record Singapore’s urbanisation process from before its independence, following the progress made in strategic planning and extensive efforts put into building up the nation. This is done largely through multiple interviews with 13 pioneers who were instrumental in their sectors, with highlights on the key achievements, policy initiatives, and lessons learnt. The weaIth of knowledge and wisdom is condensed into 10 chapters focused on these sectors:
(1) Urban planning and public housing;
(2) Urban renewal;
(3) Water and environment;
(4) Greening and parks;
(5) Sea port;
(6) Airport;
(7) Land transport;
(8) Rail network;
(9) Telecommunications;
(10) National computerisation;
(11) Tourism and culture; and
(12) Economic development.
This publication is in Mandarin.