Welcome to the second issue of URBAN SOLUTIONS!
This issue, a joint editorial effort with Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority, has a special focus on high-density cities. More than half of humanity lives in cities, and this proportion will keep growing. As urban densities rise, cities can chose to promote either higher density or sprawling growth. What are the pros and cons of density? To the extent that higher density is inevitable, how can cities be more liveable, sustainable and competitive? These questions preoccupy many of us, and we have tried to explore them here.
We are proud to feature Prof Edward Glaeser and Mr Joel Kotkin, who make their cases, respectively, for and against high-density. These appear in our new Opinion section, where global experts weigh in on contemporary debates. In our Essaysection, CLC and the Urban Land Institute present our joint research in ‘10 Principles for Liveable High-Density Cities.’ We also adapt presentations on density from the WORLD CITIES SUMMIT 2012. Prof Anthony Yeh discusses Hong Kong’s experience, while Prof Marilyn Taylor’s talk is presented as a photo-essay on ‘Intense Cities’.
Two Singapore solutions to the challenge of density are profiled in Case Study – the National Parks Board’s innovative Park Connectors; and one-north, a new generation research hub by JTC Corporation. Rounding up our look at density is a new series of Illustration pieces, where architecture firm WOHA presents a stunning vision for an extremely dense tropical city, while Asst Prof Erik L’Heureux maps how density is manifested in different ways.
Beyond our special focus theme, this issue contains a rich line up of thinkers and leaders. We are privileged to carry an Interview with Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. We also speak with the dynamic Mayor of Quezon City, Mr Herbert Bautista. Global thought leaders Ayesha and Parag Khanna contribute an Essay on ‘The Generative City’, while our Case Study section showcases two remarkable success stories: Yokohama’s inspiring G30 waste management programme, and Ahmedabad’s transformed transport system, which helped it obtain a LEE KUAN YEW WORLD CITY PRIZE 2012 Special Mention. Finally, our City Focus spotlight falls on Kigali, with a stirring article by its former Mayor, and current UN-HABITAT Deputy Executive Director, Dr Aisa Kirabo-Kacyira.
Happy reading!
Khoo Teng Chye
Executive Director
Centre for Liveable Cities